Young Adults

Young Adults Ages 18-35

Young Adults at New Season serves to provide a community space for people from the
ages of 18 through 35 where they can learn from one another and become better
equipped to confront the challenges that many young adults face in our rapidly
changing world. We provide a space where individuals can grow and foster a strong
foundation in Jesus Christ. Our prayer is that each person that participates with this
young adults group finds a community of like minded believers that strive to make an
impact in themselves, their community, and in the world at large.
We stand committed to words of Christ spoken before he faced the cross: “I have told
you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have
trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
Join us as we come to learn more about Christ and about our calling - both individually
and collectively.

Young Adults gather every Thursday at 7pm in the Next Gen Building.